Pakistan Affairs (CSS + PMS)

In this session, we shall not only cover the syllabus of Pakistan Affairs | CSS & Pakistan Studies | PMS but also teach the students how the questions should be solved in the paper.

Advanced 0(0 Ratings) 5 Students enrolled English
Created by H M Arslan
Last updated Sun, 17-Sep-2023
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Course Overview

Learning Outcomes

  • Completion of Full Syllabus of Pakistan Affairs (CSS + PMS)
  • Students will be able to handle different types of questions easily
  • Motivation to Learn
  • Compulsory Attendance of Lectures
  • Attempting Weekly Tests
  • Completing Assignments on Time
  • Strong Internet Connection
Curriculum for this course
61 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
Pre Partition
30 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
  • Evolution of Muslim Society in Sub-continent
  • Hazarat Mujadid Alif Sani R.A
  • Shah Wali Ullah R.A
  • Sayyed Ahmad Shaheed
  • Fraizi Movement
  • Sir Syed Ahmed Khan & Aligarh Movement
  • Deoband Movement
  • Nadawat-ul-Ulema, Lakhnow
  • Two Nation Theory/Ideology of Pakistan (Quaid & Iqbal)
  • Partition of Bengal 1905
  • Simla Deputation 1906
  • All India Muslim League 1906
  • Minto-Morley Reforms 1909
  • Lucknow Pact 1916
  • Montague-Chelmsford Reforms 1919
  • Khilafat Movement 1919-1924
  • Delhi Muslim Suggestions 1927
  • Simon Commission 1928
  • Nehru Report 1928
  • 14 Points of Quaid e Azam 1929
  • Allama Iqbal Presidential Address at Allahabad 1930
  • The Government of India Act 1935
  • Congress Ministries 1937
  • Lahore Resolution 1940
  • Crips Mission Plan 1942
  • Quit India Movement, Wavell Plan, Gandhi-Jinnah Talks and Simla Conference
  • 3rd June Plan/Mountbatten Plan
  • The Role of Ulema and Mashaikh in the Pakistan Movement
  • Role of Sufis in Spread of Islam in the Sub-continent
  • Role of Muslim Press in the Pakistan Movement
Post Partition
31 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
  • Jinnah's Vision of Pakistan
  • Jinnah's Early Life and Role in India's Politics (1910-1920, 1920-1930, 1934-1947)
  • Role of Quaid-i-Azam in Protection of Constitutional Rights of the Muslims
  • Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah as Governor General/Role of Quaid-i-Azam in Consolidation of Pakistan
  • Aims and Objectives (Reasons) of the Creation of Pakistan
  • Early Problems of Pakistan
  • West Punjab Massacre
  • Objective Resolution 1949
  • Constitutions (1956, 1962, 1973) of Pakistan
  • Governor General Ghulam Muhammad, and Muhammad Ali Bogra Formula
  • Six Point Formula by Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rehman
  • Separation of East Pakistan
  • Does the creation of Bangladesh prove the two-nation theory wrong?
  • Zia’s Islamization and his Motives behind this Policy
  • Process of Islamization in Pakistan/Islamic Provisions of Constitution 1956, 1962, and 1973
  • Civil Military Relations in Contemporary Pakistan
  • Role of Judiciary in the Evolvement of Democracy in Pakistan
  • Political System of Pakistan
  • Political Culture in Pakistan
  • Evolution of Democracy in Pakistan (1947- 2020)
  • Political evolution since 1971
  • 18th Amendment and Resulting Challenges to the Federation
  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Pakistan (Soft Notes)
  • Strategic Vision Pakistan's Foreign Policy
  • Pak-Afghan Water Conflict
  • Geo Strategic Importance of Pakistan/Strategic Location of Pakistan and its implications for the country and the region
  • Ethnic Issues and Social Integration
  • Hydro Politics: Water Issues in Domestic and Regional Context
  • Pakistan’s National Interest
  • Strategic Vision Pakistan's Foreign Policy
  • Pak-Afghan Water Conflict
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About Instructor

H M Arslan

CSS | PMS Mentor

6 Reviews | 85 Students | 11 Courses
PMS 2020 Assistant Registrar (ARCS) 2021 M. Phil in Plant Sciences M. A. International Relations 9 Times Essay & 13 Times Precis Qualifier
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