Political Science

This course has specially been designed for the aspirants of CSS & PMS.

Advanced 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled English
Created by Usman Ghani
Last updated Wed, 20-Sep-2023
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Course Overview

Aspirants of CSS & PMS will:

1) Cover the Syllabus of Political Science (Paper I & Paper II)

2) Past Paper Analysis in Each Class

3) Enabling Students to write a correct and relevant answer in the exams.

Learning Outcomes

  • Completion of the Syllabus of Political Science
  • Students will be able to get more than 150 marks
  • Strong Internet Connection
  • 100 % Attendance in the Class
  • Completing the Assignments on Time
Curriculum for this course
21 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
Paper I: Part A Political Theories
9 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
  • Western Political Thought: Plato & Aristotle
  • Western Political Thought: Machiavelli & Montesquieu
  • Western Political Thought: Hobbes & Locke
  • Western Political Thought: Rousseau & Bentham
  • Western Political Thought: Mill & Marx
  • Western Political Thought: Lenin & Mao
  • Muslim Political Thought: AI-Farabi & Al-Mawardi
  • Muslim Political Thought: Nizam-ul-Mulik Tusi & Al-Ghazali
  • Muslim Political Thought: Ibn-I-Khaldun & Iqbal
Paper I: Part B Political Theories
7 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
  • The Nature and Emergence of Modern State System, Islamic Concept of State
  • Political concepts, Sovereignty, Law, Liberty, Equality, Rights and Duties
  • Political Dynamics: Public Opinion, Propaganda, Political Parties, Pressure Groups
  • Political Institutions: Legislature, Executive, Judiciary. Political Elites, Civil and Military Bureaucracy
  • Forms of Government: Monarchy, Democracy. Dictatorship Unitary and Federal, Presidential and Parliamentary
  • Totalitarianism: Fascism, Communism
  • Local Self-government: Theory and Practice with special reference to Pakistan
Paper II: Part A Developed Political Systems
3 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
  • Main constitutional features of USA, UK, France and former USSR
  • Developing Political Systems
  • Main constitutional features of Turkey, India and China.
Paper II: Part B Pakistan
2 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
  • Pakistan as a Nation-State: Rise of Muslim Nationalism in South Asia under the dynamic leaderships of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, Allama Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah
  • Political System of Pakistan: Comparative and critical analysis of the Constitutions of 1956, 1962 and 1973 (with amendments)
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Usman Ghani

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